
The Nine Birds

  Vysra  gave rise to multiple elemental beings during her time in Vandis. They were created by her but hold no alliances to her or to each other. Some vie for power among themselves and some prefer to be on the sidelines. They can wield enormous amounts of sheer power and are considered a form of deity among the lower inhabitants. The Nine Birds essentially live for millennia and millennia until they are killed by unnatural circumstance. They are then reincarnated with varying powers but always with their true powers available. Souissei   Tsira Hitsuyo Renara Arena Obosu Yuusan Zelkura Artrium

Vysra •Creator of Vandis

  Vysra  is a higher being from the Crysalis plane. Her planetary system was being destroyed by those who held  Langends Staff . As a last ditch effort, she was entrusted by the  Diamond Queen to take the staff and keep it safely hidden. Vyrsa did flee but crashed into the space between dimensions. She had caused a rift to form. She settled here to try and repair the anomaly. This realm was very new and through the rift came other low creatures like demons and elementals. She had disrupted the Core gods control on the current Realms. Few helped her to clear her name. She was the only one to call this space Vandis.